Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Well, here I am. Just coming off Weight Watchers and done with it. Rebelling. Re-reading Overcoming Overeating. And working to understand it all so that I don't gain back the 70 pounds I lost.

Trying hard not to rebel just for the sake of rebelling, but trying to really work this time to make a plan to care for myself.

I get it that diets suck. That they're inhuman. I get that.

But the only person that gets hurt by me rebelling against WW, is me. WW doesn't care if I say "f-u". I want to kick them, but in the end this rebellion only hurts ME. So I need to think of a plan. I need to care for me. I need to find a way to not have my only focus in life be food.

Yeah, I'm angry. But this anger needs to move over and let me be productive.

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