Yesterday we went to the bakery for a snack mid-afternoon. I wanted one of the lemon poppy-seed muffins that I saw. I chose a chocolate snail.
Weird. :/
This morning as I thought about it all, I began to understand something.
A lemon poppy-seed muffin is not a "binge" food.
A chocolate donut is.
By choosing the chocolate donut, I chose what I thought I would choose if I were off a diet. If I were on a binge. The forbidden food. The trigger food. The food that people "off a diet and on a binge" eat.
Being an intuitive eater has to be more than "off a diet". More than ever I realize that now. It has to be about allowing myself to eat what I truly want, accepting deep in my heart that I will never diet again.
Apparently I'm not there yet. But realizing this one small thing, has opened a huge amount of work for me.
Being ok with not eating "binge" foods. And realizing that I will be ok. The donut will be there another day. Feeding myself what I really want could be incredibly life changing.
There is a difference between a "binge" and a "desire".
My goal now is to really search through that one.
And just for fun, here is a neat report on milk. "Is Skim Milk Making You Fat?". I don't care about the "fat" part. What I felt like screaming when I read it is what my body has told me all along. I crave whole foods. Whole milk, real butter, real cheese. I have always felt more full and much more satisfied eating these foods. I feel like I am caring for myself when I eat them, and lo and behold, I might have been right all along! I am much, much less likely to feel a need to binge when I am caring for myself by feeding myself real, full-fat foods. The wonderful, beautiful, filling taste and the way it makes me smile inside.
Yeah, no diet crap in this house. What a lie these diet companies weave. Makes me so angry. I will never go back. THIS life is the good one. They have it all a$$-backwards.
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